This guide functions both with and without GWT RPC as interface. The tutorial makes it possible to run the GWT frontend and backend on a server instance within eclipse. You can start the server in debug mode to debug back-end and
- Tomcat Binary Instance
- Eclipse with Web Tools
- GWT Binary loaded in Eclipse
- Create a GWT project either command line or in eclipse
- Create a Eclipse Dynamic web project
- Copy 'war' folder content in GWT project to 'WebContent' folder in Dynamic Web project
- Select properties for Dynamic Web project and unfold 'Google' select 'Web Toolkit' and check 'Use Google Web Toolkit'
- Set 'Default output folder' ind 'Java Build Path' also in properties, to \/WebContent/WEB-INF/classes
- Create a Server instance through 'File' menu select 'New' and Other, Now on the list you find 'Servers' and click it. Now you get a list where you select an Apache Tomcat instance
- Now you should be able to delete the created GWT project
How To Use
- Start Server instance with Dynamic Web project loaded as module
- Start 'Web Application' select Dynamic Web project and right click on mouse and select Run Configurations and uncheck 'Run on built in server" and input URL like http://localhost:8080//.html
- If you starte the previous to tasks in debug mode then you a capable of debugging both back-end and front-end.